How Many Puppies Can a Pitbull Have?
A well-trained and well-socialized pitbull is one of the most gentle, delightful, and intelligent dogs imaginable. Seeing new pitbull puppies can even make our hearts melt.
All it takes is one look at their cute eyes, and we are theirs forever.
However, breeding them entails a huge responsibility. Getting it wrong can be heartache and may lead to a hefty vet bill. This is why it’s important to know how many pups will pop out of your pregnant pitbull dog, especially if you’re nursing her for the first time.
So, if you’re a Pitbull owner and curious about how many puppies a pitbull can have plus other pregnant Pitbull care tips, stay with the article till the end.
So, How Many Puppies Can a Pitbull Have?

A large-size female pitbull can deliver up to 10 puppies in her first litter. In her second litter, the pitbull can have up to 14 puppies.
However, on average, a medium sized breed female pitbull will only have 5 puppies per litter. This number of puppies is typical for a medium-sized pit bull. Even the relatively large blue nose pitbull has an average of 5 puppies per litter.
Some dog owners may get as few as two pups, while others may end up with a pack of 10 on their hands. If your female pit bull is well-nourished and healthy, she can produce an average of 5 puppies per litter, but this varies depending on factors such as size, health, and pregnancy history.
The more pitbull puppies are in a litter, the more vigilant a dog owner must be. This is because the stronger pups may stop the weaker ones from feeding off their mother. Since the pitbull mom only has 10 nipples, such is the maximum she can feed at a time.
The heat cycle of Pitbulls
Pitbulls usually go into heat at six to 24 months old. Their heat cycle comes at least once yearly and lasts between 18 and 21 days. However, smaller breeds tend to go into heat or estrus earlier (nine or 10 months of age) and may experience up to 3 heat cycles per year.
If your pitbull lives for 12 years (average life expectancy of their breed), she can have 20 or more heat cycles throughout her life. Although pit bulls reach an age when they can no longer reproduce, they will continue to have a heat cycle. Only two things can prevent her from going into heat: being sprayed or dying.
The signs that your Pit is in heat are hard to miss. These include hiding more often (she does this to avoid male dogs), appetite changes, acting agitated or nervous, and building a nesting area in your home. She may also be vying for your affection more often, urinating more often, licking genetical area a lot, raising her leg, and humping or mounting your leg or other items in the house.
Knowing all these signs is helpful, especially if you’re planning to breed your pitbull or want to understand her behavior changes.
Regular gentle walks are the best activity for a pregnant pit bull. Check out the best dog collars here to make walks a safe and enjoyable experience for her.
Pupternity: 5 Factors That Affect How Many Puppies a Female Pit Bull Dog Can Have

It may be difficult to accurately predict the litter size of your pitbull, but the following are some important factors to consider:
Age of the parents
A thumb rule in dog breed is that the older the female dog, the smaller the litter. The same applies to the male pit bull. The male dog will influence the litter size because once he reaches 5 to 6 years old, his sperm quality will also decrease. Such a factor can result in a smaller litter, even if the female pitbull is very fertile.
It’s also important to note that in the first litter for a young pit bull mother, even after reaching sexual maturity, one can expect fewer pups (around five or more puppies in her second or third litter.) The reason is, that the first and second litters are typically smaller than subsequent pitbull litters, which is entirely normal.
As pit bulls age, their reproductive capacity diminishes, resulting in smaller litters.
Health of the mom
A healthy female Pitbull is more likely to produce healthier puppies and larger litters. In fact, your pitbull must be fit enough to breed to ensure she and her puppies will get through the birthing and breeding process.
Stress can negatively impact pregnancy and litter size. A stressed pit bull may struggle to carry all their pups to full term, which can result in miscarriages or stillborn puppies. Maintaining a healthy, low-stress environment is key.
Size of the mom
Another determining factor for how many puppies a female pitbull may have is size. A large-size female pitbull usually has more puppies because there’s more space in her tummy.
Gene pool diversity
Gene pool in dogs refers to the versions of all canines' genes. A gene pool is large if there are several versions of the genes.
If your pitbull comes from a diverse background, she can carry more puppies. Conversely, if your pitbull comes from extensively inbred gene lines or has undergone line breeding, she will slowly have smaller litters every time she gets pregnant.
Good nutrition creates the conditions for a healthy pitbull breeding and pregnancy. Overweight and underweight Pit bull mothers will suffer reproductive problems, as will their puppies.
Nutrition likewise helps determine the number of puppies a female pitbull dog can have. If the pregnant dog consumes a quality diet with protein, it will maximize her chance of having a larger litter. On the other hand, a pit bull dog with a less than healthy diet yields smaller litters. Ensuring proper care during pregnancy is essential for her well-being and that of the puppies.
Breeding time
Breeding at the wrong time is the most likely culprit for having a small litter. Your pitbull will have a high chance of delivering more puppies if you closely monitor her ovulation period as a fur parent.
The optimal time for natural breeding is two days after ovulation, which can be determined by a veterinarian according to your dog’s progesterone measurements.
Momma Pitbulls want to look nice too! Gift her these dog hoodies to make her look fabulous and keep her cozy and warm.
Other Essential Things to Know About Pitbull Pregnancy
Even if you are a pitbull breeder, it’s essential to avoid overbreeding. Older pit bulls should not be made to produce more litters than is healthy, as pregnancies can be extremely stressful and harmful for them. Limit breeding to four to six litters max, in your pitbull’s lifetime is considered best practice. Large litters in a first pregnancy should always be monitored by a vet for proper guidelines.
Understanding Your Pitbull Puppies’ Life Cycles

Your pitbull puppies’ life cycle comprises four major stages - puppyhood (two weeks to three months), adolescence (six and 12 months), adulthood (one to seven years), and senior citizen (eight years and above).
There are no set ages at which your furry friend graduates from one life phase to the next. Sometimes, they overlap. However, a pitbull generally has about 12 to 14 years of life expectancy.
The newborn pitbull - At this stage, your pitbull puppies will spend all their time with their siblings and the mommy pitbull. The pups will also spend most of their time eating, sleeping, and plenty of number 1s and 2s. So, make sure they are responsive and healthy.
The infant pitbull - When your pitbull puppies reach two to four weeks old, they will become more active. They will also open their eyes and take their first small steps.
As a dog owner, remember that their mom may be overprotective of their pups. Be wary, but still try to gradually introduce the little ones to other people and animals. Socializing your pitbull at this stage is very important if you want to raise them as someone confident and comfortable around humans when they reach adulthood.
The toddler pitbull - Your puppies will act like puppies at one to three months old! They may slip and stumble, but it’s cute. They’ll delight you as they tumble headfirst into their food bowl or slide and fall on your tile floors.
The adolescent pitbull - Pitbulls are in the adolescent phase when they’re about four to six months old. During this time, they become more independent and adventurous every day. That being said, it’s important to continue with socialization and training. Expose them to new sounds, situations, and sights by taking them whenever you can - on a leash, of course.
The adult pitbull - Your Pitbulls will be adults by three years. Their likes, dislikes, and personality are well set by this time. They will still need stimulation and regular exercise for their busy minds.
The senior pitbull - By the time your Pitbulls reach eight or nine years, they’re becoming a senior. It is during this phase that they sleep more and move more carefully.
Do not allow them to become couch potatoes, but pay attention to her limitations. For instance, shorten her activities or walks accordingly.
Overall, a pitbull breed is physically strong. This means your pit bulls are more likely to live a happy and long lifespan, allowing you to enjoy your time together.
FAQs About Pit bulls' Pregnancy
Can a pitbull have 15 puppies?
Yes, a pitbull can have 15 puppies, although it will still depend on the size of the pitbull mom and her pregnancy history. A litter of five to six puppies is the average among Pitbulls.
How long is a Pitbull pregnant for?
A pitbull is pregnant for approximately 58-64 days (2 months). Still, the length of pregnancy varies with litter size and breed.
If you’re a Pit bull owner and believe she is pregnant, you must give her the special care she needs. Take some time to learn today so you’ll be prepared for the big day she delivers those puppies.
How many pregnancies can a pitbull have?
A pitbull, just like other breeds, is capable of becoming pregnant every time she comes into season. Theoretically, a female pitbull can produce two litters per year when she reaches one year old to eight years.
However, you should probably avoid breeding your pet more than three times. This is because each pregnancy takes a toll on a pit bull mother’s body. Some registration organizations even prohibit dog breeders from registering an unlimited number of dog litters.
How do you take care of a pregnant pitbull?
If you expect that your pitbull is pregnant, visiting a veterinarian is a must. This is especially true if she’s pregnant for the first time. An early visit to a veterinarian will give you more time to care for her.
Feeding your pregnant pitbull with healthy food is also a must. She may need to eat more frequently in smaller amounts. Light play time and regular short walks are also encouraged.
How do you know when a Pit is pregnant?
Pitbulls are highly energetic and active dog breeds. If you notice your female pitbull feeling lethargic or tired, it could signify that she’s in her early pregnancy.
How quickly do pitbull puppies grow?
American Pitbull Terriers are fully grown dogs after one year. At four months, they will already be about half their adult size. Around two to six months, a pitbull puppy grows the fastest.
Final Thoughts

Pitbulls are an excellent companion for fur parents willing to learn about the breed. If you’re one of those fur parents, knowing the size of your pet’s litter is vital so you can take care of her and the new little lives she delivers.
In summary, pit bulls can have up to 10 puppies, but the average is only five puppies per litter. During your pitbull’s pregnancy, ensure they eat nutritious foods, get proper rest, and are regularly monitored for their health and safety.
We hope that the information we shared in this article has equipped you with the knowledge to keep your joy and pride happy and healthy during pregnancy.